Excruciatingly Personal
Mommy Blog

The Book
YOU LOOK TIRED is a totally honest, tell-it-like-it-is guide for new parents who don't want any more advice.
Including chapters such as:
Birth Hurts: Prenatal yoga is a waste of time.
Jabba the Hutt Was Just Postpartum: It explains so much.
People Have Opinions: You're doing everything wrong.
Division of Labor, Work/Life Balance, and Sasquatch: Myths that won't die.
An Open Letter to People Who Say, “Looks Like You Have Your Hands Full!”
“This is the hilarious and true pregnancy guide I wish existed when I was expecting. A must-have for moms-to-be.” —Bunmi Laditan, author of The Honest Toddler: A Child's Guide to Parenting
“What a relief this book is.” —Jancee Dunn, author of How Not to Hate Your Husband after Kids

The Blog

Posts by Life Stage

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From Readers

Strong Jawline and I were running along the bay yesterday morning, just leaping like gazelles with no stiffness, pain, perimenopause, or plantar fasciitis.
No, we weren’t. That was Strong Jawline, huddled under a blanket on the couch for three days after throwing his back out gardening, and that was me, buying three bottles of rosé in one week because it’s SUMMER BITCHES.