Posts in 6 years
Volodymyr Zelenskiy and WTF chocolate chip cookies

Strong Jawline and I were running along the bay yesterday morning, just leaping like gazelles with no stiffness, pain, perimenopause, or plantar fasciitis.

No, we weren’t. That was Strong Jawline, huddled under a blanket on the couch for three days after throwing his back out gardening, and that was me, buying three bottles of rosé in one week because it’s SUMMER BITCHES.

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It's January in Mendocino County. I know this because I'M IN MENDOCINO COUNTY BITCHES. It's rainy, I'm alone, I brought so much kale, chard, parsley, cilantro, and dill they put it all in one paper bag at the grocery store, I took a walk on a country road where the only thing I heard were my footfalls. It's ME TIME FOR THE MIDDLE-AGED.

I'm out here because a couple months ago I hit the wall like REALLY hit the wall and asked SJ if I could go away by myself for more than a week. This guy. Immediately he says yes. Hugs me. Says it's a great idea. We have TWO KIDS but more importantly TWO CATS – the kids have redeeming qualities at least. Right after I left, everyone got sick, including one kid puking, plus it was a holiday weekend, which to anyone who doesn’t know means NO SCHOOL which means NO CHILD CARE. SJ is having NOT ME TIME.

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Chicken noodle soup and rising from the ashes

I’m upstairs with Gargantubaby — who, now age 6, needs a new nickname (perhaps Gargantufirstgrader) — setting him up to do art. It’s warm the way it always is up here, so I grab one of his bigger books to prop the door open.

Mommy, he says, you can’t do that. You didn’t get my permission.

You’re right, I say, surprised. May I have your permission to use one of your books?


Um. What should I use to prop open the door?

He shrugs. You need to figure that out, he says.

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