Posts tagged Coronavirus
Blackberry and Peach Pie and Things I've Learned: Baby Turns 4 Edition

GB, my son, my Gargantubaby, turned four years old on a sunny, mild afternoon a couple of Sundays ago. It's the second birthday he's had in captivity. The plan was to host a superspreader event at a park on Sunday, then put the family in the van on Monday and drive into the heart of a wildfire for a family vacation. California living!

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Coronavirus reunion edition: Jenny and Gargantubaby visit Gramps and Nonna

On Saturday, May 22, 2021, I take Gargantubaby, who is three and a half, to visit my parents in Evanston, Illinois. It's the first time we've all seen each other since January 2020, when GB was two and my parents came to San Francisco from Evanston and my brother and sister-in-law flew in from China.

It's been long enough that my parents forget that when they pick me up from the airport, I sit in the backseat writing down everything they say.

They have an age-old dynamic where my mom tries to tell my dad directions, and Dad tries to quiet her with a dangerously calm, "Rose." She's never right, but she never stops trying to give him directions. It starts before we're even out of the airport, on our way to the elevator to the parking garage.

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