Posts tagged Henna
Henna and our kitchen ceiling caved in, yay!

Gargantubaby: Mommy, let’s play doctor. (Looks serious.) What is your problem today?

Jenny: I have a son who won’t get out of bed.

GB: (Whispers) Pause. Mommy, doctor is for when something’s broken or you’re sick.

Jenny: Oh, OK, I’ll do it right.

GB: (Looks seriously at me again)

Jenny: I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’m tired all the time.

GB: I think we should squeeze your boob. (Squeezes my boob)

Jenny: Oh, thank you, I have so much energy now!

I cuddle him and kiss all the parts of his face as I name them so he won’t notice I’m scooping him up and taking him to the kitchen for breakfast.

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